Contributions to the Global Diversity Foundation are tax-deductible in the United States, and eligible for Gift Aid in England and Wales. Donors will receive an acknowledgement and a receipt for each donation made.

If you would like to receive a U.S. tax receipt, please follow this link to make your donation.

Thank you for your interest in the work we do, and for your support!

Support girls’ education in Morocco

Support global environmental leaders

Support migrants' rights in North Africa

Global Diversity Foundation provides girls from rural communities the opportunity to learn about gardens, cultural heritage and environmental stewardship.

Through the Global Environments Network, we support emerging changemakers by promoting peer-to-peer learning, training in communication skills and practical action.

Our Global Migrants Project ensures people migrate out of choice rather than necessity, travel in humane conditions, and successfully integrate in host societies.

Donate to our Mediterranean programme

Provide general support for GDF's work

Donate to our North America programme

We strengthen traditional practices and enhance wellbeing of communities that conserve High Atlas cultural landscapes.

Through the Global Environments Network, we support emerging changemakers by promoting peer-to-peer learning, training in communication skills and practical action.

We build networks of support for indigenous nations and peoples as they continue to face challenges defending their land and waters.